
The Wraith of Elder Jinchi

The Wraith of Elder Jinchi

Appearance and Behavior of the Wraith Boss:

The Wraith has the appearance of a large-headed Buddha. Its overall aggression is low, and it often engages in short-range melee attacks by swinging its fists and palms. It also has a single charge and a ranged attack, but the ranged attack deals significant damage with little warning, making it a major threat to early-stage players.

Breaking Defense:

The Wraith’s defense can be broken after about three heavy strikes. To maximize the effect, position the Wraith near destructible objects in the environment before delivering the third strike. When the Wraith falls, it will collide with the destructible object, effectively extending its downtime.

Battle Strategy:

Since the Wraith's boss arena is in an open space, you can start the fight by launching a melee attack before the Wraith enters its attack state. When you land the final hit of your combo, it will cause a brief stagger.

By this point, you should have enough energy (staff momentum) for a heavy strike. Immediately use this to cause a second stagger. Follow up with a few quick attacks, and if you notice the Wraith recovering, use a paralysis technique to freeze it in place. Then, unleash another full combo. The final hit of this combo should break the Wraith’s defense, causing it to fall. During this time, monitor your stamina and continue attacking, but refrain from using heavy strikes to conserve your energy.

Once the Wraith stands up, use the staff momentum accumulated from your earlier attacks to perform another heavy strike, causing another stagger. Execute your final combo, and by this point, you should have drained about half of the Wraith’s health without taking any damage, entering its more aggressive attack phase. Surviving this phase without losing too much health is crucial.

Finishing the Battle:

Repeat the previous strategy, and you should be able to defeat the Wraith. Its attack patterns do not change, and your method of delivering damage efficiently while avoiding injury remains effective, making the Wraith a relatively easy boss to defeat.