5 Flame Mountain Map
- 火焰山 - Flame Mountain
- 清凉坡 - Cool Slope
- 藏匿地点入口 - Hideout Entrance
- 藏匿地点起始点 - Hideout Starting Point
- 煅魔坑 - Demon Forge Pit
- 火焰三关 - Flame Passes
- 水火洞窟 - Water and Fire Cavern
- 洞天宝地 - Celestial Cavern
- 登云梯 - Cloud Ladder
- 起始点 - Starting Point
- 往秋香 - To Autumn Fragrance
- 启安驿站1 - Qian Station 1
- 启安驿站2 - Qian Station 2
- 灰烬岩 - Ash Rock
- 炭火地窖 - Charcoal Cellar
- 罗刹冒 - Rakshasa Burrow
- 水火怪 - Water-Fire Monster